Saturday, December 24, 2005

Moved office

Yahoo! Avatars

We moved most of my office into my house. Well all the big stuff anyway.
It looks good in it's new spot, and the old one need some deep cleaning before it's ready for it's new inhabitant/s.
Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas.

Friday, December 23, 2005

Dragion at Burning Man Afterburn Party 05 Posted by Picasa

Thursday, December 22, 2005

HNT #1

For my first HNT... I wanted to do something special, something that said a lot about me other than a body part.

......So here is lovely picture of the bruise I gave myself last week!

It was an early morning and I hadn't gotten my equilibrium yet, misnavigated and fell on a cuboard door with most of my body weight on my thigh. Pretty good color for a week old bruise...

I'm down with a wicked cold this week, ....evem missed some work, and have been convalescing on the couch for the better part of 4 days, high on cold medicine. I'm such a baby, luckily I don't get sick often (thank God). I hope I'm past the worst of it, because it sucks huge. (hack, wheeze, sniff, whine).
Gotta go, need more drugs......

Sunday, December 18, 2005


I have an addiction.
I'm addicted to New Zealand Cadbury's chocolate... and even though my family is there right now, they won't send me any!.... I have one square of chocolate left that I'm saving. That's it.... the last piece in all of America!
On discussion with my esteemed medical advisor, Lon, he states " I hope you can hold out and not go into a coma from chocolate deprivation.This has been known to happen to some people when they are deprived ofCadbury's. It's known in the medical texts as CCD. CADBURY CHOCOLATE DEPRIVATION."

I am currently managing with my CCD, it's a bit shaky at time... but the CCD 12 step program is a good source of support in times of acute cadbury withdrawl.
Alternate remedies have been attempted to no avail, Hershey's Ghiradelli(sp) No my friend... remedies like that have been tried. But the Hershey or Ghiaradelli(sp) chocolates are a far cry from the original and only INCREASE the longing, but for hard core addicts (like me) there is only one source of satisfaction and it's specifically NZ cadburys.
At Cost-plus the import store they tempted me with Cadbury's and I bought some with glee... only to find out that it was made in Australia (oh the sad day that was... that chocolate ended up going bad then thrown out).
I did have some luck with some Swiss brands from Trader Joes... it must be the rain fall level, and the mountains that make for the perfect level of cream in the chocolate... yes it's fitter cows that must be it... America and Australia are simply too flat and their chocolate is dry and lacks the suppleness(sp) of greener and more tender fields!

I was by the New Zealand Dunedin Cadbury's Factory once (where my addiction is created everyday) and it was a cold Sunday, our only day there and I anxiously approched the building after convincing my friend to go with me for a tour. But they weren't open on Sunday's, but I was not going to let my only chance go to see the inside of my quest.
Therefore I and my reluctant friend snuck around the factory found an open door and creeped in... There I found the service stairs and dragging my companion up 2 floors to a room with large (30 foot tall) vats. Unfortunately, a big unidentified noise spooked this brave adventurer and her reluctant attendant, so we ran out of the factory and tore across town (just in case someone was after us for it). Thus ended my only Cadbury tour... it may be easier to get in on the regular day, but I doubt it'd be as exciting.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


I've had an eventful few days. I just moved about 2 weeks ago.... and between shuffling through my house looking for items is similar to trying to find a crouton in a tossed salad. But I know where everything is.... it's in a box in the garage... along with 30 other boxes (also unmarked) in the garage.
It's amazing what one can live without, when given the choice of looking for it for an unknown period of time in a cold, dark, cramped garage. It is because of THIS fact that...
I'm now thinking of myself as a minimalist. Hmmph, muffled smirks from the peanut gallery will NOT change my mind on this (grin).
Similar to ScarySquirrelMan, I am missing living in what is called the "Tower District" I was all too used to it's rhythms and which food places were open and when, and what was the best to order. I also miss the familiar faces and knowing all the shop owners and workers by name. I was/am spoiled.
I checked out "open mike night" at the Starline and it was very very good. I enjoyed getting dressed up and spending quality time with some of my more creative friends. Thank you... it was a night I will not soon forget.

Saturday, December 10, 2005


Just came up out of the dark ages to participate in this blogging thing. My friend Sinun has had so much fun with it that I wanted to give it a try.