I've had an eventful few days. I just moved about 2 weeks ago.... and between shuffling through my house looking for items is similar to trying to find a crouton in a tossed salad. But I know where everything is.... it's in a box in the garage... along with 30 other boxes (also unmarked) in the garage.
It's amazing what one can live without, when given the choice of looking for it for an unknown period of time in a cold, dark, cramped garage. It is because of THIS fact that...
I'm now thinking of myself as a minimalist. Hmmph, muffled smirks from the peanut gallery will NOT change my mind on this (grin).
Similar to ScarySquirrelMan, I am missing living in what is called the "Tower District" I was all too used to it's rhythms and which food places were open and when, and what was the best to order. I also miss the familiar faces and knowing all the shop owners and workers by name. I was/am spoiled.
I checked out "open mike night" at the Starline and it was very very good. I enjoyed getting dressed up and spending quality time with some of my more creative friends. Thank you... it was a night I will not soon forget.
Yeah, Monday was fun, huh? Kinda of nutz... but when is it not when we're doing the crawl? LOL!
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